✭🌍 While The XPAT Summit 2025 has concluded! Instantly access all replays until 31 March 2025 ✭🌍 Get Your Replay Ticket - Save 50.00 USD - Use Code: XPAT50. It is not too late to have the insights from over 60 speakers from 65+ countries. 🎟️ Post-Event Registration is available at https://bit.ly/xpatsummit40ioIB6 ✈️
Simple steps to help ease expat anxiety and build community Relocating to a new country, be it a city or countryside, can be an emotional rollercoaster, even if you have moved a few times before solo, with a partner, or as a family. The first week or two can be fun as you learn about your new location. In fact, it might start to feel like you are on vacation. However, as time moves on, you will need to do the actual work of settling in and making this new place your home. Having solo traveled, ...
Expat Transition becomes easier with these initial steps As you pack your suitcase, manage your emotions of leaving, and say your goodbyes, you also need to think practically about your new location. Whether you are a new expat or a long-term nomad, there are four crucial activities you should complete as part of your move-abroad preparation. Previously shared Four Tips for Moving Abroad but now that you have taken the leap, here are four activities you need to do or think about ...
Take a pause to assess how life is going and what matters Occasionally, we need to pause and reflect on what is happening in our life. If for no other reason other than self-awareness. It will lead us to seek our best interests and direction. As a career professional in my 30’s, I learned the hard lesson of not prioritizing myself and my well-being. I had transitioned to the corporate world from higher education and loved what I was doing, but it took its toll. Even since then, I ...
As we close out the Thanksgiving season in the United States, I want to share what I'm thankful for this year although I am not there. Giving thanks and expressing gratitude is an intricate part of my life that I do not often share except with those in my inner circle but this year, I would like to take the time to publicly share five simple things from my expat life that are important to me. Sunshine I love the sun but the sun doesn't always love me because I get sunburned. I treasure the ...
In the early months of 2021, I recall seeing an article floating around social media in my higher education spaces. The headline “Lesley Lokko resigns as Dean of CCNY’s Spitzer School of Architecture” and the black woman’s composure in the photo struck me, so I clicked and read it. By the time I got to the end, I experienced a range of emotions from anger to sadness, and finally gratefulness. I was thankful for the action of Dr. Lokko and her ability to place her mental health, ...
You have been thinking of moving abroad, but your less-than-positive language experiences have you thinking twice. No need to be overwhelmed; learning the local language or dialect is not always a necessity for a move to all countries. Yes, not knowing the language can get you frustrated, whether you’re at the grocery store or completing paperwork. But let’s face it; you have some of those same nuances at home now. So wouldn’t you rather be living abroad and gain experience, ...
Your dream move and location will frustrate you, guaranteed! Even after all the planning, preparation, connecting with others, and checking all the boxes on your list, life in your new location will come with some headaches. Some may be familiar while others will be quite different. Regardless of your level of experience living abroad, be prepared for frustration when you arrive in any new country, as both new and long-term expats are not immune from some discomfort. While you adjust and ...
Blending my work and lifestyle together - Student Affairs at Work As an expat or digital nomad, you can have a life of being on the go. You may change your country every few years or cities every few weeks. In either case, you might find yourself managing some typical interpersonal emotions associated with your chosen lifestyle. Being an expat myself, I find that my path has been filled with a constant change in relationships. Actually, this can be quite common for many of us who are global ...
Facts About Singapore Singapore, known as one of the world’s wealthiest countries, is located in Southeast Asia. Its capital is #Singapore as this is a city-island nation with a population of approximately 5.8 million. Its diverse culture emanates from the Chinese, Indonesian, Malaysian, Indian and Western civilizations. The most predominant religion is Buddhism. Other celebrated religions are Christianity, Taoism, Hinduism, and Islam. Singapore is a unitary parliamentary constitutional ...
Start Your Move Abroad Planning We have learned alternative ways of managing our life during our global health pandemic, political challenges, or economic changes. With this in mind, have you been rethinking your #moveoverseas? Or have you changed your mind about moving? Delayed for the time being, or now more convinced to pursue your move? I am here to tell you not to discard your dream or plan. Yes, the world is experiencing unprecedented shifts from a health crisis to a geopolitical ...
Exploring Spa Therapy around the World So, I don’t remember exactly when I started going to spas as part of my stress therapy from work and life. I also did not know any black women who went to the spa other than those in the movies. But my movie watching got me thinking that this was an experience worth having at least once. However, I vaguely recall when I started going to spas. It was in the early 2000s when I worked and traveled as a meeting manager. Over the year, I have tried and ...
A new perspective on life. Freestocks.org /Unsplash Moving and settling in another country is sometimes the next step after traveling for months or years. The sense of change you experienced while traveling is what you want more of and for an extended time as well. So, becoming an expat would make logical sense. It is one of the few things you can do in your life, which will be utterly life-changing. It is a leap of faith; unlike anything you would have done in your life. So before you make ...
The decision to move abroad solo or with family takes courage and planning. As a current expat, I took my first courageous step 15 years ago. Today with globalization and internationalization, the steps can be easier, but you still need proper planning and preparation.
Are you curious about becoming a career expat? Are you seeking help with your expat career planning, preparation, or job search direction for your career industry or higher education in another country?
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